Did you know?

uasjobs.ch is THE job platform for graduates of universities of applied sciences.

In cooperation with Jobchannel, the leading provider for the targeted recruitment of skilled workers, UAS SWITZERLAND, the umbrella association of all graduates of universities of applied sciences (UAS), offers you the most comprehensive overview of advertised jobs. 

Jobchannel uses its search engine to comb through the websites of 300,000 Swiss companies for job advertisements several times a day. At present, there are some 70,000 being advertised. Receive notifications of new jobs that are constantly being found with a free job alert and create a watch list.

→ Go to filter, search, job alert and watch list

UAS wage study: unique wage references for applications and job interviews

Illustration: Marian Blaser, !Blasma

Every two years, UAS SWITZERLAND invites graduates of universities of applied sciences to take part in the wage survey and answer questions on education and further training or burning issues. In 2023, more than 15,000 graduates participated. In excess of 13,000 data sets are used for the online querying of reference wages.

→ Go to login

Inspiration and support

The world of work is constantly changing. New capabilities and skills are in demand, while others are becoming less important. A selection of offers that provide both inspiration and support can be found here:

The digital career advisor supports you in your professional life or in embarking on your career journey. It shows you which jobs fit your profile, which skills stand out and how demand is changing.

→ Register via this link (free for members)

Tips and valuable experience: UAS blog on watson.ch

Illustration: Flavia Korner, UAS SWITZERLAND

Once a month, UAS SWITZERLAND publishes articles in the “Work in Progress” blog on watson.ch as a content partner. These pieces, which are always informative and entertaining, provide tips and share valuable experience that can help you in your daily work, embarking on a career or submitting an application. A few examples (only available in German):

«Wenn du diese Tipps beachtest, hast wenigstens du nichts falsch gemacht beim Job-Interview»

«Mein Chef nervt! 5 Tipps, was du tun kannst (und damit deine Nerven schonst)»

«Die perfekte Bewerbung – so schreibt man heute einen Lebenslauf»

→ Go to the “Work in Progress” UAS blog on watson.ch